John Oliver mocks viewers under 35 by directing them to watch "Last Squeak Tonight" online and making fun of "The Voice"

 John Oliver mocks viewers under 35 by directing them to watch "Last Squeak Tonight" online and making fun of "The Voice" 

Chuck E. Cheese

The primary subject of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on Sunday night was house ownership. He developed an entire other episode for that group section talking about Chuck E. Cheese, but he made light of the fact that folks under the age of 35 would never own a home.

Since home ownership is the focus of tonight's main topic, Oliver advised anybody under 35 not to read it. Never will it be for you. You'll never be a home owner. I apologise, but that was the agreement you signed when you chose to be born after 1988.

"We didn't want you to feel left out, so we actually prepared an entire alternate tale for you tonight about Chuck E. Cheese, a different deteriorating American institution," Oliver said.

The show, suitably titled "Last Squeak Tonight," was 25 minutes long, according to the HBO Max presenter. Oliver recommended watching the episode online, which is available here.

Oliver poked fun at The Voice's reality competition for having no notable victors as he continued to discuss property ownership.

"Yes, there are winners in a strict sense, but identify one. "This programme has been running for 15 years straight, and not a single winner is well-known," he remarked. Really, no one can tell me the first and last name of just one winner.

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